Elvira tells the story of Elvira Arellano, a Mexican immigrant, single mother, worker and eventual activist. Fearing deportation, Elvira takes sanctuary for a year in a Humboldt Park church. Her year enclosed in sanctuary allows her to observe herself and the systems that led to her arrest and enclosure. Her son, a friend, her pastor, and other supporters accompany her as well as the demands and cruelty of the law-is-the-law Sistema. This is a story about a struggle for survival and for justice, but also about loss. It is not triumphant; the struggle goes on.

Elvira cuenta la historia de Elvira Arellano, una inmigrante mexicana, madre soltera, trabajadora y activista. Al enfrentar su deportación, Elvira vive por un año en una iglesia ubicada en Humboldt Park declarada como santuario. Ese año le permite observarse a sí misma y observar al sistema que la llevó a su orden de arresto y encierro. Su hijo, una amiga, su pastora y un grupo de simpatizantes la acompañan mientras enfrenta la crueldad del defensor de la ley Sistema. Se trata de una historia acerca de la lucha por la sobrevivencia y el logro de la justicia, así como sobre la pérdida. No es un relato que declara el triunfo; pues la lucha sigue.

About Colectivo El Pozo

Since its inception in 2009, Colectivo El Pozo has expanded theatrical opportunities for Chicago artists that are mutually interested in developing Spanish-language theatre works within the broader scope of immigration. Our work is original and driven by writers from the Latina/o diaspora in the US. El Pozo develops and produces at least two new works per season, as well as staged dramatized readings throughout the year. El Pozo strives for cutting edge theatre that incorporates a signature multimedia component to its productions. In addition, we collaborate with a rich and diverse enclave of artists that are invested in furthering our mission. El Pozo offers a space where multidisciplinary artists with an interest in Spanish-language theatre can contribute in a meaningful way and thrive.

10/2/2024 - 10/26/2024




St. Augustine College

1345 W. Argyle St

Language: English with Spanish subtitles

Oportunidades de asociación

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