EL BROTE (Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)


The lines between fiction and reality begin to blur for an actor, and now he cannot even be sure who is writing the events in his own life. What kind of character are we in this story?


“Excellent, a creative beauty” -- Carlos Pacheco / La Nación Newspaper


“A show that takes your breath away!” -- Mercedes Mendez / Clarin Newspaper


“Sublime, theater at the highest” -- Victor Hugo Morales / AM750


⭐⭐ Premios ACE 2023 (Best Actor + Best Playwright)

⭐⭐⭐ Premios EEBA 2023 (Best Actor + Best Director + Best Playwright)

⭐⭐ Premios ESTRELLA DE MAR (Best Director + Best Playwright)

El Brote has the support of the Consulate General of Argentina.

10/2/2024 - 10/5/2024


Den Theatre

1331 N. Milwaukee Ave.

Genre: Drama

Written and Directed by: Emiliano Dionisi

Cast: Roberto Peloni

Running: 90min

Ages: 15+

Language: Spanish with English supertitles

Oportunidades de asociación

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