Astillero Teatro

The Astillero Teatro company was born with the aim of linking citizens with issues derived from the contingency, in an effort to revitalize the question of the community, questioning certain paradigms that have built social life. Their first production, "Hypodermica: The Other Story" (2018), has been presented on important stages nationwide. With the idea of developing the question of contingency, but from the language of Family Theater, the company premiered the play "Puerto Seco: Once upon a time the sea" in 2019. At the beginning of 2022, the group premiered "Simulation”. During the first half of the same year they premiered “Ethics”, thus closing what the group has called the "Speculative Trilogy" ("Hypodermic", "Simulation" and "Ethics"). In 2023 the company premiered ”The memory of the Sessiles", a work that will give continuity to the line of Family Theater initiated by "Puerto Seco".